If you are wondering what a wristlet bag is, it’s basically a tiny purse that hangs on your wrist. It’s larger than most wallets. Unlike a clutch purse, you don’t need your fingers to hold it. I love the wristlet as it’s an easy way to carry essentials for short trips but fits nicely into my work laptop bag, diaper bag or a larger purse for when I need to have more items with me.
When you have a small child to keep track of, your keys on Keyper key ring gives you a sense of security knowing that you have your keys and exactly where they are. Using the Keyper key ring with the wristlet bag set is like getting an extra hand.
You can find wristlets in a variety of shades and a multitude of brands. Here are a few of our favorites.
The Keyper wristlets also have a unique wristlet key ring that also attaches to the wristlet purse for times when you don’t need your tiny purse. It’s genius!